Saturday, 1 October 2016

Best iPhone games 2016

If you love to play games and this is your best pass time with the iPhone than you should know the list of Best games for iPhone. Games for the sake of gamer are designed with the wonderful graphics and amazing features, so that you can spends a lot of your time and not get bored of the game easily as some of the games have the graphics by which you will get bored with in the short span of the time and uninstall the game after few days of playing. Best games are those which have interesting levels to engage you for long.
So some of the best iPhone games we have listed here have a look at the games which we have filtered for you which will surprise you every time when you are playing.

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1.      Love you to bits
It is basically an adventure game which is available with the cost of $4 in the Apple store, it will surprise you with the puzzles, and awesome artwork, and it also includes a story line with which you will get attached easily. If you want to experience some exciting adventure game then you can download the game and enjoy playing it with the iPhone.

2.      The Silent age
It is also an adventure game in which a custodian Joe finds a dying man in the game and he is in the middle of some time travel plot and serving the mankind by saving them. It is a fantastic thriller game to enjoy and experience the real time adventures in the game.

3.      Botanicula

Next game in the list of best iPhone games is Botanicula, it is available to download from the Apple store and will cost you around $5. It is a game in which you have to work for saving a tree from the evil parasites. It includes clever puzzles and a soothing music to enjoy with the game.

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