Saturday, 1 October 2016

Difference between Java and Javascript

The fact that you are visiting this page signifies that you are a techie who wants to compare the similarities and the difference between Java & Javascript or not? Just because there is word Java in both languages, doesn’t make them similar. Infact, Java is to Javascript as Car is to Carpet and ham is to hamster.
Both these language uses a concept of object oriented programming. Apart from this, these two languages are poles apart. While Javascript is used for client side scripting to do front end validations, to do cool animations and to implement interactivities whereas Java is used mainly for server side development.

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Javascript codes runs on browser while Java code runs on both applet as well as browsers. Javascript is not that rigid and is very easy to understand as compared to Java. In case you are weekend developer who will like to develop a webpage quickly, Javascript is your language. You can embed Javascript in HTML which makes life pretty easy even for user interface designers.

Java as a language is hard to master and will take years of practice before you become confident about writing an enterprise level applications. Java is not forgiving and wants every variable defined in the right format. Also, the code needs to be complied into a machine language (bytes), it is necessary for you to have JRE and JDK installed in your machine. You might want to use tools like eclipse to format & structure your code better. Do remember, Null pointer exception will still make your life difficult in Java and needs to handled carefully and diligently.

Good news on other hand is that all modern browser supports Javascript and thus you needn’t install any software to run your Javascript code. Also, recently Javascript has gained lot of momentum due to the introduction of new libraries like JQuery and cutting-edge frameworks like Angular and React (this one is primarily promoted by Facebook). These new libraries and framework gives developers an opportunity to deliver a seamless user experience by helping business develops apps and cool websites for their customer in short span of time.

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